Name 姓名: Claire Wu 吳蕾

Age 年齡: 21

Hobbies 興趣: Cooking 烹飪、Taking care of my pet 照顧我家寵物、DIY mini house models 做手工迷你屋模型

Special Talent 特別才能: Playing Chinese flute and ocarina 吹長笛和陶笛

Favorite types of Music 喜愛音樂類別: Bossa Nova (Jazz) 爵士樂、Classical Music 古典音樂

Favorite TV Shows 喜愛電視劇: The Good Doctor、Criminal Minds、外科風雲

Most Memorable Moment 最難忘經歷: My boyfriend brought me to Richmond Night Market for “All-I-Can-Eat” to celebrate my 21st birthday. 21歲生日那天,男朋友帶我到列治文夏日戶外夜市讓我任點任食

Most Embarrassing Moment 最尷尬事情: I accidentally pulled the stop request cord on bus and the bus driver stopped the bus asking "Who did this prank?". 公車上拉錯線叫停車,司機停下車問 「誰在玩?」

Best Attributes of your Body 最滿意身體部位: My brain 頭腦

Dreams in Life夢想: To be a gynecologist and a professor 當婦科醫生和教授

If you were asked to imitate a person, who would that be 如果要模仿一個人,會是誰? Sherlock Holmes 福爾摩斯